Join us in welcoming FLEX on Friday, August 13th at 11 AM for course titled Masterclass: Portals. Join FLEX for the final class in our series on working with buyers in FLEX. Your FLEX MLS portal is a website where clients can search for listings, view searches you’ve saved for them, keep track of their favorite listings, and contact you with any questions they have. In this class they will take an in depth look at portals and answer such questions as: How do I invite a contact to use my portal? What does my client see in their portal? Do my clients need to login to view their portal? Can invite a contact to use the portal from my mobile device? Can my contact use the portal on their mobile device? …and more!
To register for this FREE webinar, click on the link to RSVP. Registrations are done through GoToWebinar, and session links will be sent to the e-mail you registered under.