The NAR Settlement Scoop

The settlement reached by the National Association of REALTORS® on March 15th is ushering in an unprecedented level of change for the real estate industry. This will mean a lot of transition at all levels, including with your business, with how we operate our MLS system and our rules and regulations, and how we move forward as an Association. Many of these proposed changes are to go into effect as of August 17, 2024. We here at the California Desert Association of REALTORS® have begun implementing these important changes already, with many rolling out ahead of the presented deadline put forth by NAR.

Because the scope of these changes is wide-reaching, we have created the NAR Settlement Scoop, which will serve as the hub for all updates relating to the NAR Settlement and the changes being implemented by CDAR. This site will be updated as necessary, and we will continue working to ensure that you are prepared ahead of time to update your business practices and prepare both you, your clients and yourselves for this massive sea change.

We ask that you bookmark this page so that you can access it as you need. We will continue to update this page as these changes are implemented and we ensure you are educated every step of the way. We thank you for your continued support, and ask that you continue scrolling for more information.

If you would like to attend our meetings, we have two upcoming forums designed for discussion on the NAR Settlement. One is for Broker/Owner and Office Managers ONLY, and one is for all CDAR REALTOR® members.

  • Broker Sounding Board Meeting – Tuesday, July 23rd from 2 PM to 4 PM. Our first meeting is a Broker Sounding Board forum. We will be discussing Everything NAR Settlement related at this open forum for our Brokers, Owners, and Office Managers. This event will be held in person at the CDAR Corporate Office and light snacks will be provided to all attendees. Only CDAR Broker, Owner, Office Manager and MLS-only Brokers members may attend this meeting. Non-Broker members will not be permitted to attend this meeting.
  • Everything NAR Settlement Meeting – Monday, July 29th from 10 AM to 11:30 AM. All CDAR REALTOR® members are encouraged to attend the Everything NAR Settlement meeting. At this 90 minute meeting we will discuss everything happening through the NAR settlement, including form changes, MLS changes, and exactly what you need to know to prepare yourself and your business for the next steps in real estate.

We have also set up specific pages detailing the following important items:

  • CDAR MLS Rules and Regulation Changes (which will go into effect August 6, 2024)
  • FLEXMLS System Changes (to comply with the MLS Rules changes and the NAR Settlement)
  • Forms Change Update, covering all major form changes, updates and releases by the California Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R.) – SECTION UPDATED ON JULY 3 REGARDING DELAYED FORMS RELEASE DATE
  • NAR Settlement Updates, featuring information, resources, and updates provided from NAR and C.A.R. (For more information about the NAR Settlement itself, including the history of the settlement, NAR-provided FAQs, and additional relevant articles and documentation, please visit their dedicated pages, Competition.Realtor and Facts.Realtor.)

Click on the section below to go directly to that page.