Introducing Supra’s Managed Access – Single Access service
Do you have contractors, stagers, photographers, and others requesting access to your listings, and you have to drop everything to let them in? CDAR now offers an effortless way to invite trusted real estate service professionals and out-of-area agents and give them access to your own Supra lockbox via a one-time exclusive code, managed directly within your Supra eKEY app. And you can do this completely for FREE!
Supra Single Access offers:
- Secure, limited access for your lockbox to out-of-area agents to bring their clients, and professional and trusted service providers such as contractors, stagers, inspectors, painters, photographers, and virtual tour companies
- Non-transferrable access credential delivered to these trusted service professionals’ smartphone
- Easy to view, modify and manage the granted access for your lockbox within the Supra eKEY app
- Trusted service professionals that you have granted access to have ‘one-button’ (i.e., Obtain Key) within the Supra eKEY app that provides easy access to obtain keys from your own Supra lockboxes
To take advantage of this feature, you must have CDAR MLS access along with an active Supra eKEY account, set up through CDAR. (We do not offer this service for non-CDAR keyholders.)
What Do You Need to Know About this new Service?
Before using the Supra Single Access feature, a few things you should know:
- By issuing this code, you are agreeing that the seller has granted you, the listing agent, permission to provide one-time access to the lockbox and home for out-of-area agents and trusted service providers who assist in the sale of the property (such as contractors, stagers, inspectors, painters, photographers, and virtual tour companies)
- As the agent issuing the one-time code, you are potentially responsible for the actions of those who are granted access to the lockbox and may be held liable for any and all happenings by those who are granted that access
- This one-time access code is not meant for the general consumer, potential buyers to have access without their agent, those not assisting in the sale of the property, or those not affiliated with any of the services listed previously (contractors, stagers, inspectors, painters, photographers, etc.)
- CDAR reserves the right to revoke this member benefit from any user at any time, such as anyone abusing the feature, engaging in improper usage, found in direct violation of our MLS Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures and/or Bylaws, or perpetrates any other action(s) that may cause revocation, done solely at the discretion of the California Desert Association of REALTORS®
Take advantage of Supra’s new Single Access service:
Worried your contractor may need a little help opening the lockbox?
Don’t have your eKEY account yet? It’s easy to setup!
If you have MLS access with CDAR and need to activate your eKEY, contact the CDAR office at 760-346-5637 for assistance. If you need any additional assistance with this new feature, contact the CDAR office for help. We are always here to help!