C.A.R. Red Alert

C.A.R. OPPOSES ACA 13 (Ward), a proposed state constitutional amendment, that will significantly limit the ability of California’s voters to seek change through the initiative process by imposing a higher percentage of votes needed to approve state and local measures. C.A.R. opposes ACA 13 because seeks to undermine Proposition 13 by allowing for more taxes on homeowners and limits their ability to stop tax increases.

UPDATE: ACA 13 has passed the Assembly, and now heads to the Senate floor. C.A.R. has issued a new Red Alert asking all California REALTORS® to contact their State Senator to urge them to vote NO on ACA 13. E-mails were sent out to California REALTORS® from C.A.R.’s Red Alert e-mail, realtorparty@car.org with a subject line that says “RED ALERT: Protect Prop 13! We Need Your Help!”

ACA 13 is an effort by the state Legislature to topple a system that protects the ability for California’s voters to seek change fairly and equitably through the initiative process. ACA 13 would require that any state constitutional amendment that attempts to increase the percentage of the vote needed to pass a local or state ballot measure must itself pass by the same percentage. C.A.R. opposes ACA 13 because it will undermine the voice of California voters, erode Prop 13 protections, and make it even more difficult for families to afford to buy a home.

REALTORS® contact your state State Senator and tell them to oppose ACA 13. You can do so via the e-mail sent by the California REALTOR® Party which contains links to contact your State Senator and urge them to vote NO on ACA 13!

PLEASE NOTE: The new Red Alert applies to Democratic State Senators ONLY.

To contact your Democratic Senator to urge them to vote NO on ACA 13, click the link here: https://realtors-ca.ac360.aristotleactioncenter.com/#/AlertId/f8d09bd0-14a1-4cc6-ba61-cd8d3fe7c9c0/

For more information on ACA 13 and why C.A.R. opposes it, click the link here: https://www.car.org/advocacy/legislation/stategovernmentaffairs/No%20on%20aca13